Results for 'Elanie V. Siegel'

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    Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Women.Elanie V. Siegel - 1992 - Routledge.
    First published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Cognitive maps of a college campus: A new look at freshman orientation.James F. Herman, Robert V. Kail & Alexander W. Siegel - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (3):183-186.
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    Middle-Class Waifs: The Psychodynamic Treatment of Affectively Disturbed Children.Elaine V. Siegel - 1991 - Routledge.
    In this volume, a well-known psychoanalyst, dance therapist, and educational consultant chronicles her clinical work with deeply troubled children who fall between the cracks of our diagnostic and educational systems. These children, who frequently turn out to have been sexually or punitively abused, have no real emotional home despite the fact that they live in materially comfortable circumstances. In spite of their apparent brightness and precocity, they do not thrive in the classroom, where their disruptive behavior, tendency to act out, (...)
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    Transformations: Countertransference During the Psychoanalytic Treatment of Incest, Real and Imagined.Elaine V. Siegel - 1996 - Routledge.
    In recent years, memories and reconstructions of incestuous child abuse have become common features of psychoanalytic treatment. Among some clinicians, such abuse is suspected even when there is little evidence. How does the analyst distinguish between incest real and imagined, and how do recovered memories of incest affect the analyst? In this poignant and beautifully written study, Elaine Siegel brings new insights to bear on these timely questions. An inveterate note taker, she discloses the countertransferential ruminations and associations to (...)
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    Testing the Swerdlow/Koob model of schizophrena pathophysiology using positron emission tomography.Joseph C. Wu, Benjamin V. Siegel, Richard J. Haier & Monte S. Buchsbaum - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (1):168-170.
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    Why Regulate Guns?Reva B. Siegel & Joseph Blocher - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S4):11-16.
    Courts reviewing gun laws that burden Second Amendment rights ask how effectively the laws serve public safety — yet typically discuss public safety narrowly, without considering the many dimensions of that interest gun laws serve. “Public safety” is a social good: it includes the public's interest in physical safety as a good in itself, and as a foundation for community and for the exercise of constitutional liberties. Gun laws protect bodies from bullets — and Americans' freedom and confidence to participate (...)
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    Writings on Dance, 1938-68AfterimagesDance Beat, Selected Views and Reviews 1967-1976Watching the Dance Go byI Was There, Selected Dance Reviews and Articles: 1936-1976. [REVIEW]Selma Jeanne Cohen, A. V. Coton, Arlene Croce, Deborah Jowitt, Marcia B. Siegel & Walter Terry - 1979 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 37 (3):390.
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    V Rahmen.Steffen Siegel - 2009 - In Tabula: Figuren der Ordnung Um 1600. Akademie Verlag. pp. 133-154.
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    Limity Rawlsovho prístupu k teórii spravodlivosti v koncepciách Evy F. Kittayovej a Marthy C. Nussbaumovej.Lukáš Siegel - 2019 - Filozofia 74 (7).
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  10. Multiculturalism and the possibility of transcultural educational and philosophical ideals.Harvey Siegel - 1999 - Philosophy 74 (3):387-409.
    How should we think about the interrelationships that obtain among Philosophy, Education, and Culture? In this paper I explore the contours of one such interrelationship: namely, the way in which educational and (other) philosophical ideals transcend individual cultures. I do so by considering the contemporary educational and philosophical commitment to multiculturalism. Consideration of multiculturalism, I argue, reveals important aspects of the character of both educational and philosophical ideals. Specifically, I advance the following claims: i) We are obliged to embrace the (...)
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  11. Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Gesamtausgabe der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Kollegnachschriften 1812-1814, hrsg. von Erich Fuchs, Hans Georg von Manz, Ives Radrizzani, Peter K. Schneider, Martin Siegel, Günter Zöller, unter Mit. von Matteo V. d'Alfonso, Faustino Fabbianelli, Antonie Magen, David W. Wood. [REVIEW]Marco Ivaldo - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 66 (2):358.
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    Progress in Self Psychology, V. 16: How Responsive Should We Be?Arnold I. Goldberg (ed.) - 2000 - Routledge.
    Volume 16 of Progress in Self Psychology, _How Responsive Should We Be_, illuminates the continuing tension between Kohut's emphasis on the patient's subjective experience and the post-Kohutian intersubjectivists' concern with the therapist's own subjectivity by focusing on issues of therapeutic posture and degree of therapist activity. Teicholz provides an integrative context for examining this tension by discussing affect as the common denominator underlying the analyst's empathy, subjectivity, and authenticity. Responses to the tension encompass the stance of intersubjective contextualism, advocacy of (...)
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    Grundbegriffe in Fichtes Spätwerk: Beiträge Zum Fünften Internationalen Fichte-Kongreß »Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Das Spätwerk (1810-1814) Und Das Lebenswerk« in München Vom 14. Bis 21. Oktober 2003, Teil V.Günter Zöller & Hans Georg von Manz (eds.) - 1990 - Brill | Rodopi.
    InhaltVorwort SiglenverzeichnisWerner Beierwaltes: Zum Tode von Reinhard Lauth am 23. August 2007 Marco Ivaldo: Nachruf auf Reinhard Lauth Wilhelm Lütterfelds: »Ich allein aber verstehe es recht.« Fichtes idealistischer Verstehensbegriff und seine Paradoxie Jean-François Goubet: Über die akademische Freiheit. Analyse eines sittlich, rechtlich und philosophisch grundlegenden Begriffs in Bezug auf Fichtes Antrittsrede zum Rektorenamt im Jahre 1811 Marco Rampazzo Bazzan: Idee und Gesicht in den Fünf Vorlesungen über die Bestimmung des Gelehrten Nina W. Gromyko: Das Transzendieren als grundlegende anthropologische Konstruktion in (...)
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  14. Vvedenie v tekhnologii︠u︡ filosofstvovanii︠a︡.T. V. Filatov - 1996 - Samara: Samarskai︠a︡ gos. s.-kh. akademii︠a︡.
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  15. Kafolicheskoe v teoreticheskoĭ filosofii Aristoteli︠a︡ =.E. V. Orlov - 1996 - Novosibirsk: Nauka.
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  16. Poni︠a︡tie "priroda" v antichnosti i v Novoe vremi︠a︡: "fi︠u︡sis" i "natura".A. V. Akhutin - 1988 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by N. F. Ovchinnikov & Ivan Dmitrievich Rozhanskiĭ.
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  17. Problema cheloveka i obshchestva v filosofii Argentiny.V. G. Aladʹin - 1986 - Moskva: Izd-vo Universiteta druzhby narodov.
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  18. Jhering, Rudolf v. Recht und Sitte.Bruno V. Oppen - 1928 - Kant Studien 33:280.
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    Mifologema "Vostok" v filosofsko-ėzotericheskom kontekste kulʹtury Serebri︠a︡nogo veka.E. V. Shakhmatova - 2019 - Moskva: Akademicheskiĭ proekt.
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  20. (1 other version)Razvitie marksistskoĭ filosofii v trudakh V.I. Lenina.A. V. Shcheglov - 1963 - Moskva: Rosvuzizdat.
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  21. LRQBD 166 290 W White, 5 Barb.(N. White v Y.) 474.Wigglesworth V. Dallison - 1938 - In Jerome Hall, Readings in jurisprudence. Holmes Beach, Fla.: Gaunt.
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    Otrit︠s︡anie i preemstvennostʹ v razvitii kulʹtury.M. V. Di︠a︡chenko - 1992 - Kharʹkov: Izd-vo "Osnova" pri Kharʹkovskom gos. universitete.
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  23. Fenomen globalʹnosti v filosofii russkogo kosmizma.N. V. Isakova - 2009 - Krasnodar: Kubanskiĭ gos. agrarnyĭ universitet.
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    Osvoenie dukhovnogo smysla v russkoĭ kulʹture: na materiale khudozhestvennoĭ slovesnosti.L. V. Kamedina - 2011 - Novosibirsk: Nauka. Edited by M. I. Gomboeva.
    В монографии рассматривается проблема целостности духовного смысла в русской художественности на фоне социокультурной динамики. Для специалистов.
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  25. Problema prichinnosti v sovremennoĭ fizike.I. V. Kuznet︠s︡ov (ed.) - 1960 - Moskva,: Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR.
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  26. Ideologicheskai︠a︡ borʹba v literature i ėstetike.Aleksandr Dymshit︠s︡, V. R. Shcherbina & I︠A︡. E. Ėlʹsberg (eds.) - 1972
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    T︠S︡elepolaganie v strukture sot︠s︡ialʹnoĭ dei︠a︡telʹnosti cheloveka.V. L. Gaveli︠a︡ - 1998 - Volgograd: Volgogradskiĭ gos. universitet.
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    Onto-gnoseologicheskiĭ podkhod v kulʹturfilosofskom izuchenii svobody: monografii︠a︡ = Onto-gnosiological approach in the cultural and philosophical study of freedom: monograph.A. V. Karimov - 2012 - Tambov: Izdatelskiʹĭ dom TGU imeni G. R. Derzhavina.
    Издание адресовано научным работникам, преподавателям, студентам и аспирантам, а также практикам, интересующимся вопросами истории философии, эстетики, религиоведения и смежными проблемами.
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  29. Problemy cheloveka v italʹi︠a︡nskom gumanizme.N. V. Revi︠a︡kina - 1977
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  30. Filosofii︠a︡ v Peterburgskoĭ akademii nauk XVIII veka.T. V. Artemʹeva - 1999 - Sankt-Peterburg: Sankt-Peterburgskiĭ T︠S︡entr istorii ideĭ.
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  31. Marksistskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ v mezhdunarodnom rabochem dvizhenii v kont︠s︡e XIX-nachale XX veka.B. V. Bogdanov & I. S. Narskiĭ (eds.) - 1984 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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    Izobrazitelʹnoe iskusstvo v istorii kulʹtury: opyt kulʹturologicheskogo analiza.T. V. Gorbunova - 1997 - Sankt-Peterburg: Lenizdat.
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    Kategorii︠a︡ spravedlivosti v istorii politiko-pravovoĭ mysli.V. I. Khaĭrullin - 2009 - Moskva: Librokom, URSS.
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    Sochinenii︠a︡ v 2-kh tomakh.Lev Shestov & A. V. Akhutin - 1993 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka". Edited by A. V. Akhutin.
    t. 1. Vlastʹ kli︠u︡cheĭ -- t. 2. Na vesakh Iova.
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  35. Sistema khristianskogo teizma professora I.P. Chetverikova v kontekste filosofsko-psikhologicheskoĭ mysli XIX veka: monografii︠a︡.P. V. Sizint︠s︡ev - 2022 - Moskva: RU-Science.
    Glava 1. Religiozno-filosofskie istoki teisticheskogo uchenii︠a︡ o Boge-Absoli︠u︡te, absoli︠u︡tnoĭ Lichnosti i religioznoĭ psikhologii Rossii XIX v. -- Lichnostʹ v probleme Boga kak Absoli︠u︡ta i religioznoĭ psikhologii v Rossii XIX veka -- Religiozno-filosofskoe predstavlenie I.P. Chetverikova ob absoli︠u︡tnoĭ Lichnosti v kontekste teisticheskoĭ i psikhologicheskoĭ mysli -- Uchenie professora Kievskoĭ Dukhovnoĭ Akademii I.P. Chetverikova o lichnosti v kontekste russkoĭ teisticheskoĭ mysli i ideĭ umozritelʹnoĭ psikhologii XIX veka: Dissertat︠s︡ii︠a︡ kandidata bogoslovii︠a︡.
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  36. Semantiko-funkt︠s︡ionalʹnye poli︠a︡ v leksike i grammatike: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.V. M. Arinshteĭn & I. P. Shishkina (eds.) - 1990 - Leningrad: Leningradskiĭ gos. pedagog. in-t im. A.I. Gert︠s︡ena.
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  37. Voprosy metodologii v trudakh K.A. Timiri︠a︡zeva i problemy sovremennoĭ biologii.V. I. Kolodi︠a︡zhnyĭ - 1965 - Kiev: [Naukova dumka].
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    Obraz absoli︠u︡ta v filosofii Gegeli︠a︡ i pozdnego Shellinga.A. V. Krichevskiĭ - 2009 - Moskva: If Ran.
    Книга представляет собой исследование, где предпринимается попытка на основе детальной проработки первоисточников и воспроизведения основных ходов мысли и интуиций Гегеля и позднего Шеллинга провести сравнительный анализ их учений об абсолюте.
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  39. Problemy razvitii︠a︡ v sovremennoĭ nauke.V. S. Ti︠u︡khtin & V. V. Borodkin (eds.) - 1984 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t filosofii.
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  40. Religiozno-filosofskai︠a︡ sistema V.D. Kudri︠a︡vt︠s︡eva-Platonova.I. V. T︠S︡vyk - 1997 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta.
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    Poznanie i praktika v strukture dei︠a︡telʹnosti.V. I︠A︡ Vilʹchinskiĭ - 1988 - Riga: "Zinatne".
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    T︠S︡elepolaganie v praktike, kulʹture, poznanii.V. P. Zagorodni︠u︡k - 1991 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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    Print︠s︡ip svobody v postroenii nachalʹnogo obrazovanii︠a︡: metodologicheskie osnovy, istoricheskiĭ opyt i sovremennye tendent︠s︡ii: monografii︠a︡.V. V. Zaĭt︠s︡ev - 1998 - Volgograd: "Peremena".
  44. (1 other version)Virtues Suffice for Argument Evaluation.Andrew Aberdein - 2023 - Informal Logic 43 (4):543-559.
    The virtues and vices of argument are now an established part of argumentation theory. They have helped direct attention to hitherto neglected aspects of how we argue. However, it remains controversial whether a virtue theory can contribute to some of the central questions of argumentation theory. Notably, Harvey Siegel disputes whether what he calls ‘arguments in the abstract propositional sense’ can be evaluated meaningfully within a virtue theory. This paper explores the prospects for grounding an account of argument evaluation (...)
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  45. Progress i tradit︠s︡ii v nauke.N. V. Agafonova - 1991 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta.
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  46. Muzyka i bytie: smysl tolkovanii︠a︡ v kontekste tolkovanii︠a︡ smysla.T. V. Antipova - 1997 - Moskva: Moskovskai︠a︡ gos. konservatorii︠a︡ im. P.I. Chaĭkovskogo, Redakt︠s︡ionno-izdatelʹskiĭ otdel.
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    Stilʹ i stilizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ v filosofsko-kulʹturologicheskom kontekste: monografii︠a︡.E. V. Dashkova - 2006 - Shakhty: I︠U︡zhno-Rossiĭskiĭ gos. universitet ėkonomiki i servisa. Edited by E. B. Ivushkina & P. N. Miroshnichenko.
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  48. Filosofii︠a︡ v ukraïnsʹkiĭ kulʹturi: metodolohii︠a︡ ta istorii︠a︡.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ - 2001 - Kyïv: T︠s︡entr praktychnoï filosofiï.
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    Krome Makiavelli: problema metoda v politicheskikh naukakh rannego Novogo vremeni nauchnai︠a︡ monografii︠a︡.I︠U︡. V. Ivanova - 2014 - Moskva: Kvadriga.
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  50. Nat︠s︡ii︠a︡ i imperii︠a︡ v russkoĭ mysli nachala XX veka.S. M. Sergeev, V. V. Rozanov & A. V. Lomonosov (eds.) - 2004 - Moskva: Izdatelʹskiĭ Dom "Prensa".
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